Thursday, March 22, 2012

i think judge judy would chew my ass out, i think i would start crying like an infant if she told me about myself to my face, like i believe she would curse me and im going to change judys opinion of going to obey the law! lol totally well maybe not totally but for the most know just being a good citizen.

Monday, March 19, 2012

God Who?

who needs god when you have judge judy? i mean honestly she makes so much since...if you have any issue legal or family.....  if you  just apply her principles i can guarantee you will succeed in life..any question or problem i have i just ask myself wwjjd or wwjjt(hink), and usually i get my answer..she hasnt let me down yet and if she can do it for me she can do it for you! lol...#teamjudgejudy

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I went to court today and almost fell asleep and previously i had told our DA that I am not a morning person so it sucks they keep pushin the date back..then i thought to myself WWJJD... well judge judy would probably say "it's your fault you committed a crime, deal with it!" im gonna do what I have to do...Now im gonna live my life according to judy lol...she's always right!....#teamjudgejudy